Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11, 2001 plus seven years

It is September 11, 2001 plus seven years. Nobody has forgotten.

I am not a righteous man; it is hard for me not to hate those that hate us. It is impossible for me to understand cultures, governments, and religions that sanction slavery and the “honor-killings” of female family members. It is impossible for me to understand why members of a religion can claim the right to kill those that leave their religion, and the right to kill people solely for belonging to other religions. When people declare holy war against us, I do not understand why we do not utterly obliterate the ground they walk on and burn their oil fields beyond recovery. It is impossible for me to understand many things, for only the righteous can love beyond hate, and only the righteous can possess the wisdom to understand the absurd, and only the righteous can forgive. I will never be a righteous man.

We have not had a major incident or attack in seven years thanks to good fortune, and thanks to the efforts of the FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, ICE, and many other agencies. They take it in the ass when things go wrong; we owe them a sharp salute when things go right.

“Thank you” to all members of our armed forces for taking the fight to the enemy. “Thank you” to the family members of those in our armed forces for their sacrifice and pain. “Thank you” to all of the countries that have stood by the USA.


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