............ Co. C, 1st Ky. Cavalry (my Great-Great-Grandfather born-1841 died-1929)
Sunday, August 9, 2009
2009 Late Summer Hiatus
Summer is winding down and I have many more projects left to do than I have summer-days left to complete them. In order to provide opportunity for my feeble mind to focus and the time for my feeble body to recover from the exertion, I will be going medieval for a while and leaving my computer off except to pay bills.
I will be taking a break from writing and reading blogs until September 1, 2009 (give or take a few days or so). It will be hard for me to resist peeking in on the endless talents of the blogosphere, but pressing obligations beckon. The blog comment moderation will be left on due to spam; any comments posted won’t be approved until I can get back online.
Thank you all for blessing me with visits. I wish you all health and prosperity and look forward to seeing you again soon.
Have fun, and see you when you're back.