Friday, March 12, 2010

Commander Zero’s thoughts on .22s


Click here for a good read. 


1 comment:

  1. I have several Rugers and like the older models, the new Ruger 10/22 no longer has a polished bolt and is dipped in some sort of paint instead of being blued. The trigger assembly is now plastic junk. I can not believe the new owners of Ruger are taking the most popular .22 of all time and making it a cheap firearm.
    On the other hand I now own three CZ rimfire rifles and have become very impressed with the old time craftsmanship of CZ rifles. The well polished blue steel with the beauty of nice wood make these accurate rifles a thing of joy to shoot. Maybe American firearms makers should learn that people will pay for quality and beauty. Mean while I have the wants for the new S&W M&P .22 which is based on the AR-15 and looks like it will be a fun .22

    Wild Ed's Texas Outdoors
