Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Broken links


I know that many of the links in many of my older posts are now dead. On rare occasion I can find an alternative source for the news item (or video) and re-link; most of the time any such effort is futile. Yes, I know that some of the older posts make no sense at all without the original link; please accept my apologies. When I find the time, I do edit or delete the ones brought to my attention.

I can understand a blogger taking a site down or accidently dumping archives, but for the life of me, I will never understand why a news organization posts a story, along with obligatory warning against copying, and then purges it from their server within a matter of weeks or months. Is storage still that expensive? I would think that making stories permanently available would add exposure to their paid advertising. It just does not seem logical for a news organization to copyright articles then yank them from public view. Methinks they are depriving themselves of many moneymaking mouse clicks… and encouraging copyright infringement.


1 comment:

  1. I wonder if an analysis would show that the stories deleted had any common themes or political point of view.

    I was at a doctor's office today and picked up a new magazine. At first glance it looked like its coverage was wide enough I might be interested in a subscription. I tore out the addressed card inside. I kept reading and found that the political slant was so strong that it would be useless to me.

    Media has a bias and it shows, many ways.

