Saturday, January 8, 2011

Another delusional coward ambushes unarmed, innocent, men, women, and children, probably to make some statement that no sane mind can comprehend.


Cold blooded mass murder by yet another pathetic loser. A nine-year-old child is among the five six dead. Ten Thirteen people wounded.

I offer my prayers for the victims and their families. This is all so sad and so troubling...



  1. Excellent title that really, unfortunately, says it all. " sane mind can comprehend".

    And we'll spend millions in legal fees and jail costs to keep this loser alive and protected.

  2. There are no words I can come up with to express my feelings on this; it was a pale attempt.

    Thanks for the link.

    May the victims find peace...

  3. Greetings from Texas,
    Preyers for the dead and wounded. I hope those still alive at this writing make a full revocery.

    Like you folks I resent money that will be spent on animals that should be put down. What I'm dreading is what Eric, Hillery, Sarah and the gang will make of this monday. They never leave a tragity unexploited. The fact that by laws already on the books this animal shouldn't have a firearm means nothing to them.

  4. Hey there Art. Yeah, it sure is a sick mess of sadness.

  5. Of course the anti-gun lobby will be screaming about the Glock 19 with extended magazine, although he could have done the same thing with two kitchen knives. Or a baseball bat. Or a homemade bomb.

    The classic assassin. Loner. Troubled. Mentally Ill. Another Hinkley.

    It's so devastating about everyone killed or injured but my heart breaks for the 9 year olds family.
