Thursday, January 13, 2011

Mike Harlow Holsters update 1/13/2011


This humble blog has received many hits from search engine queries such as “What happened to Mike Harlow Holsters?” After looking over the various internet sites, I see that nobody has anything bad to say about Mike or his wares; most just seem to want to find him so they can buy one or more of his holsters.

The Mike Harlow Holsters website at has not been responsive for quite some time so I am guessing it is not coming back, at least at that address. There is a website at featuring Mike Harlow Holsters, but I don’t know if this is his new site or just an affiliate. Anyway, I left Mike Harlow Holsters listed on our sidebar and changed the address to I cannot find an email or mailing address at this site so I cannot contact anyone for details. The site offers an email newsletter that I subscribed to a couple of days ago, but have not yet received.

Best of luck to you Mike Harlow, wherever it is you may be!



  1. well i can say i had a bad experience with him in and a knifemaker that went through him in 07 and i assume karma was the reason both businesses are now no more because wow those people are works of insanity.

  2. Mike Harlow is alive and well and I still make the occasional holster. As the web sight didn't get enough attention, I dropped it. Had a falling out with a snotty gal in Concealed Carry Magazine but I see they still carry my article I wrote for them. "Concealed Carry, what works, what doesn't". Got into e-mail rants on politics and survival. Wrote my own all color survival manual titled "Tough Times". The new e-mail address is

    THX for the interest.

  3. Fantastic! Great to hear from you, Mike. Thanks for the update.

    Best wishes!

