Monday, January 3, 2011

Ruger promises to announce something today that will rock our world.


What could it possibly be? Maybe it is a Ruger 1911 government model or perhaps an LCP 9MM.

Click on over to RUGER at 2:00 p.m. to find out.



  1. Lol. Ruger can't 'rock my world', with anything short of a truck load of free toys straight from their factory to my driveway.

  2. A REAL well made Ruger 1911 would be worth some cash to me. If there were no b.s. mim parts and it was of the same quality as my Security Six and made of all metal, yeah, I'd buy one.

    That would be a great 1911. And they'd have to put just a little bit of that Ruger "Eugly" on that gun to make it distinctly Ruger in appearance. Rugers are great, but perhaps not the most attractive gun around.

    And perhaps there are some deep life lessons in that last statement.
