Thursday, April 14, 2011

Yard and garden journal entry 4/14/2011, the Forsythias are flowering.


It is nice finally to have some color in the yard.

The forsythia bush on the east side of the house is large and doing well. The two newest bushes in the front yard are stunted because they are competing for root space with a large tree. Some aggressive root feeding may help.

NOTE TO SELF: Although it already is a bit crowed, I believe the front yard could use two or three more forsythia bushes for a bigger splash of early spring color. Since the two newest bushes are growing slowly, it is advisable to plant stock that is more mature.



  1. Glad it's warmed up for ya! We have a front coming in and are dropping from the low 80's and high humidity to the 60's and 40% humidity. This is probably our last hurrah until late October down here in Texas with the cool breezes.

  2. It still is dropping into 30s at night and today I don't think we broke over 40. We will likely see at least a couple of hard freezes before Mother's Day so I am holding off on planting the annuals...

  3. I miss forsythia bushes in the spring. The bluebonnets are about done here, and the indian blanket is blooming now. I remember longing for spring flowers in the winters I lived up north.
