Friday, May 13, 2011

Is Jon Huntsman a 2012 GOP top contender?


He is worth a look, and may be the “best of breed,” especially considering the slurry of other GOP detritus oozing their way toward primary season.



  1. Agreed. It's gonna be 4 more years of wishing Hillary had won (and I never thought I'd think that!) unless the GOP can find someone like this with more substance than the other would be contenders.

    And those GOP'ers who tried in 2008 just need to take their non-selection as an omen and move on to another aspiration. Mike's got a new tv gig and Mitt needs to find something else to do. And somebody please tell Ron Paul that we're still not ready for him.

  2. Well, Huckabee is not getting the divine support he needs, so he announced since my last comment that he's not running. He's one of the few people I'd tell to quit his day job of politics and go with the entertainment and musician thing. Hey, people reinvent themselves all the time. And I think he's a better bassist than he would be President, and I mean that with all due respect.

  3. Heh! Yep, I expect the field to narrow a bit in the months to come. Some of the GOP contenders are not electable and don't look like they could handle the office if they did win.

    All said, IMHO the incumbent will be hard to beat unless the economy revisits rock bottom or inflation runs amok.
