Sunday, May 20, 2012

The cure for cancer is a failure of the future

Each waking day is a fresh moment in the future.  No matter what age you are, you can reflect on the optimism you had in the-days-gone-by and measure it against the innovations of each new day.  Fifty years ago I was the same age as my Granddaughter is now so you might say that I have time traveled fifty years into the future from my tenth birthday.  Nothing much that I see today surprises the ten-year-old child that still resides in my soul.  Back in those days our teachers asked us to predict the marvels of the twenty-first century and we all came up with visions of personal computers, along with phones that went with us everywhere.  Honestly, I cannot think of one thing we have today that one of my classmates did not dream up fifty years ago.  However, many of the visions we had back then did fall flat.  Our cars do not fly, guns still shoot bullets, and cancer is still a scourge.

Over two hundred types of cancer can affect humans.  My friend Art has one type and he has a tough road ahead; give a click HERE to read his story.   Art and I are the same age; from childhood on, each year he probably heard the same predictions and promises that I did; a cure for cancer is only ten-years away.

I predict that someday in the future there will be “silver bullet” cures for most cancers and that the history books will look back on the “cures” we practice today as downright barbaric.  Which year in the future I do not know, but I believe it will happen.  I just hope that the ten-year-old kids of today will not be waiting for it fifty-years from now.


  1. Zach,

    Cars do fly, just saw one on the news a few days ago. Maybe that means that a silver bullet, for cancer, is right around the corner. One can only hope so.

    All the best,
    Glenn B

  2. Greetings from Texas,
    From your lips to Gods ear Glenn B.

    Thank you for the kind words Zack. I will keep you folks posted on my progress. Knowing I'm not alone in this helps more than you know.

    And thank you all for the prayers. I'll take all the help I can get.
