Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Blogging here will be even slower than it has been

Daniela is a lovely 17-year-old girl next door; her leukemia returned about a month or so ago and she is doing poorly.  My wife and I are close friends of her family.   If you have any spare prayers, please hang a few in the air for Daniela and her family.

My 65-year-old brother-in-law died from a sudden heart attack yesterday.  My wife is not taking this well; it was just under two years ago when we buried her mother.


  1. Sorry for your loss, I'll be praying for your family and and your neighbors.

  2. Greetings from Texas,
    My heart goes out to you and yours Zack. Illness like this is always tragic, but there is something hateful about someone so young being shouldering this burden.

    The passing of your Brother-in-law is painful as well. There is never a good time to loose a loved one. Fast or drawn out it still hurts.

    When someone dies unexpectedly, folks tend to feel there are things they "should have said." That's natural. Personally, I go ahead and say them. I think there is a part of our loved ones that still hear us.

    You have things to do, we will welcome you back when we next see your updates.

  3. Thoughts and prayers for you, your wife, and your neighbour.

  4. Condolences and will pray for your family and for your neighbors.

    Take care.

  5. My thoughts are with your family, and that of your neighbor's. Sometimes life is just plain hard.

  6. Saying some prayers for you and your loved ones and for Daniela. My condolences on the loss of your brother-in-law.

  7. Prayer for restoration for your neighbor.

    Prayer for peace for your wife.

    Prayer for strength for you.

    You got it.

    Grace and peace.

  8. So sorry for your loss

    thoughts and prayers for you and yours

  9. Prayers heading out right now to you and your family as well as your neighbors.
