Goodness sakes alive; imagine that. ANOTHER LOSER, this one with strong views
about something or other, gets himself a quality semi-automatic handgun with
some spare magazines full of ammo and heads out for what looked (to him) like
another surefire mass shooting. A SECURITY GUARD (UNARMED no less) heroically ended the attempt.
Now, I will agree that UNARMED security is probably only a
wee bit better than having no security at all (unarmed security proved to be
worthless during the Colorado Theater massacre). HOWEVER, I am convinced that the presence of armed
security can change the minds of many armed miscreants, and minimize the effectiveness of those hell-bent on going through with their delusional plans.
You forget that the goal of the elites is to disarm us, not protect us. Actually, I know you didn't forget. Each of us should be an armed security guard, or at least have the option.
ReplyDeleteGrace and peace.