Tuesday, January 19, 2016

A most excellent looking IWB holster for the Beretta 84 FS Cheetah

DISCLAIMER: As always at this blog site, this product review is simply a good old-fashioned campfire chat; this is not an opinion on what you should or should not purchase or what you should be using.  What does or does not work for me could be many country miles away from your tastes and needs.  All products I review for this blog are purchased at retail price by me.  I do not accept payment, discounts, "freebies," products on loan, demon alcohol, drugs, or sexual favors for doing any review.  

1/22/2016 EDIT:  The holster arrived today, it shipped on 1/19/2016, so I would say that is pretty good service from Beretta USA.  What I am not crazy about is that the belt-loops are RUBBER (or some other damn synthetic) and not leather.  I am positive the Beretta website said LEATHER; in fact, it DOES say leather loops; here is a "copy and paste" from  the website, "Leather loop complete with double button belt release."  BAH!  BTW, the loops are for 1.5'' belts; the site did not specify.  I was hoping for 1.5'' and that's what I got.  Anyway, many years ago I grew to detest rubber holster straps; they did not last back in those days and I have no reason to believe that their durability has improved.  

IMHO, this holster does not sit far enough down inside the waistline, it should sit close to an inch deeper;  if the butt of the pistol hooks on something, the holster (along with the pistol) can flip out of the waistband;  this is a common problem with IWB holsters for (+ or -) PPK size handguns.  Further, the cant of the holster is controlled by hook and pile (Velcro).  The greater the cant of this holster, the more likely it is to flip out of the waistband if the pistol hooks on something.  At a zero cant and with my belt a bit tighter than I like, the holster does keep the handgun reasonably secure.  

I almost sent this holster back but decided to keep it for better or worse; I'll see if I can have some local leather artisan make me a better (leather) belt loop rig for it.  Pictures can be deceiving; knowing what I know now, I likely would not have ordered this holster.  The Beretta 84 Cheetah is a dandy little pistol, but it was never popular enough for the best of our domestic holster makers to invest their efforts into creating top line holsters for it.  This holster may be as good as the market can offer for the Cheetah, but it is certainly not what I was hoping for.   

2/3/2016 UPDATE:   I've been wearing this holster every chance that I can get.  For me, it is a holster for light, casual carry; it is not suitable for me to wear anywhere or anytime there is physical activity.  The snaps on the belt loops are not very secure; they easily pop open with just the stress of brushing against something.   THE BODY OF THE HOLSTER IS NOT BAD AT ALL!  The reinforced mouth does hold-open for re-holstering the handgun.  If they had just set the holster to ride a bit lower, used quality leather belt loop straps, and used quality directional snaps, this would be a mighty fine little rig.  

2/6/2016 UPDATE:  I give up.  I'd be better off just sticking the Cheetah into my waistband without a holster.  This holster is not working out and is going into the "holster box" for now.  The snaps on the belt loops keep opening on their own.   It is a shame.  The holster cost over $80. The body if the holster seems fine, but the cheap loops and snaps ruins everything for me.  Seriously, folks, please   use directional snaps on your holster loops.            


The original blog post of 1/19/2016 is below.
A most excellent looking holster, indeed.  I have one on order from Beretta USA.  The site noted that the holster was made in Italy; that makes it very cool in my book.

The 84 FS Cheetah joined my household a bit over three-months agomy search for a quality IWB holster for it was in vain, until now.

After some serious wearing-time over the past two-months, I find that the Ken Null SMZ shoulder holster has worked out perfectly for me and the Cheetah.  The SMZ and this IWB will be all the holsters that I will need for the Cheetah.



  1. Sweet little piece of leather

  2. Do you know if they make one for a .40 cal Beretta Cougar?


  3. I just checked and did not see one for the Cougar.

    EGD and JWMJR, than you both for stopping by!

  4. I think I may try a Desantis Sof-tuk. Been using one for a CZ Compact and it works great. Also using the same type holster for a J frame .357. I have found that wrapping the pistol in Saran wrap, puttting pistol in the holster, then soaking outside in wax,form fitting the holster to the weapon, then go over leather with heat gun with pistol still inside makes this cheap holster work like a champ and repels sweat. The holster keeps its form for reholstering as it hardened. (Do not get wax on inside of holster).
