Friday, January 22, 2016

Illinois Concealed Carry License Holder released without charges in Gurnee road-rage shooting incident.

The following clips were taken from the Daily Herald.

... all (from one vehicle) were charged with aggravated discharge of a firearm, unlawful use of a weapon as a felon, unlawful use of a weapon as a gang member, aggravated unlawful use of a weapon with no firearm owners identification card, aggravated unlawful use of a weapon with no concealed carry license and mob action.

Charged were: Hector C. Arroyo, 36, who's being held on $250,000 bail at the Lake County jail; Avaro Ruiz, 28, Waukegan, who is in jail on $350,000 bail; and Ramon Corona, 23, who is being held on $150,000 bail.

... the driver of the second vehicle had a concealed carry license and was released without charges.

1 comment:

  1. So far it sounds like someone has their head screwed on straight.

    Grace and peace.
