Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Civics is

"... the study of the rights and duties of citizenship."

Tomorrow morning or early afternoon I'll likely mosey on down to the local early-voting-site and get my duty over and done with.

I spent most of today's daylight hours re-re-re-reviewing the candidates and the issues.

Anyone running unopposed = NO VOTE FOR YOU ... even if I kinda like ya.

Some Libertarian candidates will get my nod as will some Republicans ... and at least one Democrat: Illinois Secretary of State, Incumbent Jesse White.  He likely is the most honest person EVER to serve in office during the long sordid history of Illinois politics.  He probably is as righteous as human flesh can be in this crazy world.  Anyhoo, he took the historically corrupt Secretary of State office and crafted it into a model of how honest and efficient government is supposed to function.

Gotta get this election off my "to do" list ... gotta move on to other pressing matters.

Hereafter I think I am just gonna do my early voting in my underwear ... via U.S. Mail.


  1. It is good to know that there is at least one Democrat worth voting for.

    As for your title, I always vote "no" is I can't understand what they are trying to pull.

    Grace and peace

  2. Mom was a Democrat. Pops was a Republican. Each could only give cliche reasons for their partisan preference. "Republicans are only for the rich!" "Democrats only want to keep raising taxes!" During the final years of his life all Pops had to say about it was "they are all crooks."

    IMHO, politics is mostly about candidates striving to achieve personal wealth, power, and notoriety; it mostly about them getting laid and getting paid.
