Monday, October 1, 2018

To shoot or not to shoot. Today is SENIOR DISCOUNT DAY at the Zion Range. I need the distraction ...

I really don't feel like doing anything lately; t'is the season for the overpowering blues; wake me up on Grrrrroundhog Day and let the recovery process begin.  I need to move my bad attitude to a latitude less conducive to lassitude ... the State of Illinois sucks as a whole but northern Illinois is the suckiest part of the state during the season of short days.  WAAAAH!  POOR ME!

Both of these revolvers need to have their respective carry loads freshened up; both are due for a general cleaning to be rid of the accumulation of concealed-carry grunge.   I guess I could make the cleaning worthwhile for at least one of them ...

This is the beginning of the 10th month of this year and if I do go shooting it will be only my 4th range session for the year ... oh well ...  no question about me needing some live fire practice.

Once I burn off the carry ammo, I'll shoot another 30-rounds of ball ammo in an Illinois Concealed Carry Qualification drill:
10 rounds @ 15 feet
10 rounds @ 21 feet
10 rounds @ 30 feet

If I choose the airweight 442 no-dash I'll shoot the milder white box loads.
If I choose the steel 640 no-dash I'll shoot the somewhat hotter red box loads.
In my youth I would have taken them both to the range ... I just don't feel up to it nowadays ... I'm all wimped out.

Whichever revolver I take, I'll also be practicing with those Safariland speed reload thingamajigs.

1 comment:

  1. Think of senior day referring to the guns and ammo not the shooter.

    Have fun.

    Grace and peace
