Monday, February 11, 2019

Mirabile dictu, the S&W 940 moon clips WORK FINE with the S&W branded boot grips.

They are great looking grips but disappointing (to me) when it comes to speed-loaders.

I suspected that the S&W branded grips (stocks) would be okay for the 940 moon clips due to the short length of the 9mm cartridges.  I swapped the original (still pristine) Uncle Mike's grips from the 940 with the S&W grips that I had put on the 640-0 (.38 special).    Crimson Trace 405 laser grips now adorn the newer of my two Model 442 revolvers; those Uncle Mike's grips replaced the S&W brand grips that I butchered on the 640-1 revolver.  The universe is again in balance.