Thursday, February 28, 2019

Monthly Weigh-in 02/28/2019 = UNCHANGED at 190-lbs; When it comes to concealed carry I still do more "Dressing Around The Gut" than "Dressing Around The Gun"

When I got down to 190-lbs (a few months ago) I returned to wearing standard denim jeans on occasion.  Most of the ones that I own ride a bit higher than do the ever so comfy, fat-forgiving, stretch jeans that I grew to love; this results in even more of my surfeit belly flab getting pushed up and out.  Heh, back 35-lbs ago it felt like my liver was crowding into my throat;  squashing visceral fat doesn't make it go away, it just encourages it to migrate ... along with some righteously critical internal organs that don't take kindly to being pushed around in their native territory.

For this weigh-in I was actually a couple pounds under 190 ... but I only log weight loss in increments of 5-lbs so it is officially no change since last month ... BUT I am still doing just a wee bit of celebrating; I take those missing couple of pounds to mean that I'm over the hump for this winter.  You see, once fall sets in I usually go into a hibernation stupor of eating and laziness and my fair-weather concerns about being overweight are soon forgotten ... I can waddle into winter weighing ~190 (or whatever my low weight is for that year) and come out a few weeks after Groundhog Day weighing in excess of 220.  That cycle was never a good thing for any stage of my life.  Now that my geezerdom is closing in on the "three-score-and-ten" year danger-zone, achieving and maintaining an acceptable bodyweight is mission critical.    

Anyway, NO WEIGHT GAIN is big win.  Yes, I am surprised that I didn't fall back into my rut of bad wintertime habits.

Spring is just scant weeks away ... I can feel it coming ... bring it on!