Friday, April 2, 2010

Precision Small Arms – PSA – Baby Browning update

One of the most popular entries at this site was the one regarding the Baby Browning F&N and PSA .25 ACP.

Last night I received an email that read in part:

“Please let your readers know that they may ring me anytime to discuss current production, availability, repairs, etc. By way of example, we are releasing the "Featherweight" version next month. The first batch of 125 will ship to select collectors and Ellet Brothers, a national distributor. This version (also known as the FN "Lightweight" during the 1960's) should meet with a very strong, positive reception by enthusiasts and collectors.”

Lenn Kristal, President
Precision Small Arms, Inc.
Aspen, Colorado 81611 USA


  1. I just received a "Featherweight" from PSA after waiting a couple of months after ordering, It was well worth the wait ! the pistol is a work of art,the fit & finish are exquisite !I went over the pistol with a magnifying glass (literally) and could not find any flaws !the pistol came shipped in a machined aluminum lockable case that included a cleaning brush,2 magazines,key,and room for cartridges .can't wait to get to the range !

  2. After going to the range with my new featherweight with no less than 6 brands of ammo to try out I was very pleased at the results! all of the ammo stayed on the target at 21 feet,just slightly left and a little low (not bad for a 2 inch barrel,one handed),only one jam on ejection caused by a squib round. the pistol was a pleasure to shoot and easy to handle,after the range disassembly was easy as well as cleaning and reassembly. a pleasure to shoot,I highly recommend this well built pistol you will not regret purchasing one!

  3. I talked to Lenn 2 weeks ago and ordered the base blue model, picked it up at my favorite FFL people last Saturday. The baby is a finely made jewel of a pistol, can't wait to get it to the range!
