Thursday, August 30, 2018

Monthly Weigh-In 08/30/2018 = unchanged at 205 lbs

The belly of the beast.  
Photo is sort of fuzzy ... I am lousy at taking sexy-selfies.  
All gut and no butt makes it hard to keep belt-guns from sliding past the buns.

This is the time of year is when I usually say, "good enough" and push my body-weight out of my field of existential concerns.  My "seasonal blues" and lethargy starts lifting around Groundhog Day and by the first day of spring I am usually back up to speed ... and again painfully overweight.  My reptilian brain tells me that, at this stage of my life, it is imperative that I get lean and stay there.  I can't let the shorter daylight hours start sending me back to the fridge for comfort ...

So ... I guess not losing any weight during the month of August isn't a negative thing ... after all, I didn't gain any weight, I'm still down 20 lbs since April.  I don't recall a single day of falling off my diet ... I just wasn't as physically active as I should have been ... I've cut back on my walking because older guys strolling around are tempting targets for hooligans ... I need to find safer locations to perambulate ... where I can still legally "go armed" in case the world insists on proving that there is no such thing as a "safe place."

How were things three-years-ago?  Well, I found some old notes ... I was 200 lbs on May 15, 2015, 195 lbs on May 29, 2015, and 190 lbs on July 22, 2015.   I was still bicycling back then ... before it became apparent that motor vehicles and bicyclists are a poor competitive mix around here.  

The goal (now) for the end of September is to weigh in at 200 lbs.  The ultimate target remains to achieve and maintain a cyclic range of 165 lbs - 185 lbs.


  1. "All gut and no butt" Same here. Try 5-11 Tactical. They have pants with elastic waist. Good pockets and fit. Elastic belt helps too. Or go shoulder holster. If these fail there is always a Butt Lift.

  2. Don't forget that everything counts. One Life Saver is about 10 calories. No big deal, right? On a day for a year equals a pound. Not walking over a period of time can also start to add up. That being said there are those plateaus in which nothing seems to happen. Sticking with it is the key.

    Good job.

    Grace and peace.
