Sunday, September 2, 2018


I remember that the CUB SCOUTS and the BOY SCOUTS had a thing about BEING PREPARED.  All of my antecedents were spawned from tough southern pioneer stock;  they were from a culture of preparedness.  I also learned hard lessons from many of the people who employed my dumb young lazy ass.  Most kids back then learned even when we chose not to learn; nowadays, I dunno ... maybe so ... maybe no.  All hope is not lost; even without a mindset for PREparing, humans can be infinitely resourceful when they need to be.  Some folks choose to live a hardened lifestyle.  As far as me, not so much ... I have evolved from a dumb young lazy ass into a dumb old lazy ass ... but my nature is to try to prepare for whatever comes our way ... and follow the easiest path.

There's things out there for all of us to learn.  Here are few sites I follow ...

Others are listed on the sidebar of this blogsite.

Hang in there.

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing to me the statistics on people who would be in trouble if they had a $500 crisis and I have been in enough homes to see how many people have almost no food on the shelf. Basic common sense has gone out the window. Instead of stocking up when things are on sale people use their debit card to buy a bottle of brand name water. Maybe they will learn some day.

    Grace and peace
