This wonderfully slim little powerhouse was more of a challenge for me to shoot accurately than I had anticipated. Recoil was not a problem at all; for me, maintaining a solid, functional, non-twist grip all the way through each trigger-press will take some dedicated practice with this new treasure. It is simply my lack of familiarity with this new pistol (along with my shooting as fast as I could sight the target). Using the finger extension magazine, my second target of the range session (photos above) was my better effort. The three post-it-notes were the intended targets at 15-feet, 21-feet, and 30-feet, 10-rounds of +P 124 grain Gold Dots were aimed at each.
I am really enamored with this handgun! I believe it has been a while since I spent an entire range session sporting a big fat grin on my saggy old mug. The Glock-43 is a fun gun.
While using the Glock-43 with the flush-fit magazine on my first target of the range session (photos above), my two-finger-grip on the pistol was not very good and I was tossing rounds low and left. While my shooting the 10-rounds at the 15-foot target post-it-note was not too terribly bad, the 10-rounds I targeted at the red center at 21-feet was a sloppy washout; my shooting 10-rounds at the 30-foot post-it-note was even worse. The one round that hit the 30-foot post-it may have been from the 21-foot group, I honestly don't know for sure. Two rounds were out of the scoring zone at the bottom of the target, in the black low to the left.
I'll be spending significant time on learning to use this pistol with the flush-fit magazine. It is quite a bit easier to shoot with the finger-extension magazine, but that flush-fit mag makes for an easier pants-pocket carry (with an appropriate trigger-protecting holster, of course).
My third target of this range session (photos above) was just for the fun of it and set just a bit under 25-yards; 73-feet is as far as I can stretch things at my local indoor range. I switched from the 124-grain +P Gold Dots to standard pressure 115-Grain Aguila cartridges. All 30 of the rounds I fired were on paper; all 30-rounds were in the black; only 3-rounds were outside of the scoring area; luck put three rounds in the center post-it-note. Although I have seen serious handgun shooters achieve amazing groups at this distance, I am far from being in that league.
There we have it! My first fling with the new Glock-43, 90-rounds total, and other than giving me a blister on my trigger finger, the pistol performed flawlessly.
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