70 rounds were fired during this quick (but fun) range session.
10-rounds per stage. A round of 125-grain Winchester Silvertip was chambered from a separate Wilson mag as each of the other 9-round mags were used in turn during the stages of this range session.
Yeah, yeah, yeah I know that there are many brands of allegedly reliable 10-round mags produced nowadays for the Colt 1911 .38 Super but I'm too damn old and too damn stubborn to ever get over the idea that the Colt .38 super magazines were divinely intended to be 9-rounds; "9 SHALL BE THINE!"
This is one of my very few "forever guns." It will be with me until my end of time and then go to my Daughter or my Granddaughter. Most of the rest of the collection will (hopefully) be sold beforehand. My health is good but I'm at the age when the males with my bloodline start deteriorating; I'm a notorious planner / organizer and like to take care of business well ahead of schedule.
Dats 'nuff said 'bout dat sheee_it. Now, let's do some fun gunning! It's good for the soul.
Magazine brands and ammo brands used today are as follows:
2 x 9-round Ed Brown mags with Aguila 130 grain ball
(I really am getting to like the Ed Brown .38 super 9-round mags; will need more.)
2 x 9-round Wilson mags with 125 grain Winchester Silvertips
1 x 9-round Wilson mag with 80 grain Glaser Safety Slugs
(I own 4 of the Wilson 9-round .38 Super mags, like 'em but they are no longer made)
2 x 9-round Colt mags with Aguila 130 grain ball
(Colt .38 super mags are "meh")
First Stage = 9-Feet
Target sheet #1
1st stage was 10-rds (all Silvertips) at 9-feet (AKA 3-yards; 2.74-meters)
Top photo was taken at distance unzoomed.
Lower photo was taken at distance with zoom set to max.
Second Stage = 12-Feet
Same target sheet (#1)
2nd stage was 10-rds (all Silvertips) at 12-feet (AKA 4-yards; 3.66-meters)
Photo was taken at distance with zoom set to max.
Third Stage = 15-Feet
Same target sheet (#1)
3rd stage was 10-rds (1 x Silvertip + 9 x Glasers) at 15-feet (AKA 5-yards; 4.57-meters)
Photo was taken at distance with zoom set to max.
Fourth Stage = 21-Feet
Same target sheet (#1)
4th stage was 10-rds (1 x Silvertip + 9 x Aguila ball) at 21-feet (7-yards; 6.40-meters)
Photo was taken at distance with zoom set to max.
Fifth Stage = 30-Feet
Same target sheet (#1)
5th stage was 10-rds (1 x Silvertip + 9 x Aguila ball) at 30-feet (AKA 10-yards; 9.14-meters)
Top photo was taken at distance with zoom set to max.
Lower photo was taken at arm's length after I reeled in the target.
Sixth Stage 45-feet
>>>>> Fresh target sheet (#2) <<<<<
6th stage was 20-rds (2x Silvertips + 18x Aguila ball) at 45-feet (AKA 15-yards; 13.72-meters)
Top photo was unzoomed.
Middle photo was taken at distance with zoom set to max.
Lower photo was taken at arm's length after I reeled in the target.
As is usually the norm with this pistol, during this range session there were no significant problems. About 250-rounds ago (roughly at the 1300-round mark of total rounds fired with this pistol at that point in time) I put in a fresh recoil spring subsequent to a feed jam (the sole jam ever with this pistol) that I'm fairly certain was more magazine related than anything else (I tossed that mag). The loads I was shooting that day were also lighter than most others at only 1080-fps which might have had some bearing on slide speed. Today's only burp was a Colt brand magazine that failed to actuate the slide-stop after I fired the final round of the session. It is now marked as a "no carry" mag.
"My advice to you is to get yourself a gun and learn how to use it.”