The DMV serial number dates this G-26 to year 2000; it is a 2.5 generation pistol.

The internet is full of information on the 9mm Glock 26 so there is probably nothing I can add that will be meaningful (CLICK HERE for a good article by Jeff Quinn). It is reasonable to speculate that Glocks may be perfect for some and not for others. Some people will love them, some will find them adequate, and some will hate them.
While no single gun-design will be perfect for everyone, the compact G26 with its standard 10-round magazine is worth considering for concealed carry. Shooting a G26 before buying one can be very informational. Borrow one from a friend or find a range that has a rental. Some experienced shooters will insist that, since the pistol size is the same, the .40 caliber Glock 27 is a better choice than the 9mm Glock 26. Try them both and let your tolerance of recoil help make that decision.
I find the 9mm Glock 26 easy to manage with +P+ loads while the new shooters I have dealt with almost universally do better with standard pressure loads. There are many smaller 9mm pistols on the market, but the G26 is as small as I care to go for the caliber. The G26 reliably feeds all brands and types of ammunition that I have used; I cannot say the same for the smaller 9mm semi-autos that I have tried.
Some people labeled the Glock 26 as “the pocket Glock.” The G26 is similar in size to, but not smaller than, J-frame and D-frame revolvers. A G26 may fit into your pants pocket but it does not fit well in mine. The contours of the revolvers make for better pocket carry in my world. I find even the Ruger SP-101 easier for me to pocket carry than I do the G26.
I have two holsters that meet my needs for the G26. From the low end of the holster market is the very affordable Fobus paddle that I find perfect for the weather and hazards of kit gun use. For concealed carry (Illinois requisite legal disclaimer; only while on my own property), I really like the Del Fatti SSK-HTL. The holster you choose should be comfortable, hold the pistol securely positioned where you want it, and it should protect the trigger. Regardless of what you have seen on the movie screen, it may be best to NEVER tuck a Glock (or ANY handgun) into your waistband, purse, or pocket without a holster to protect the trigger. When holstering, always make sure you are not tucking your finger, shirttail, jacket drawstring, holster strap, or anything else into the holster along with the handgun. Holster quality matters a great deal. When holstering a handgun, catching the trigger on the side of an ill-fitting holster could make you famous.
Most new shooters that test my G26 do not like the long crunchy trigger; to get used to it takes time and effort. Some knowledgeable folks recommend having Glock triggers altered for a lighter, smoother pull. I prefer my Glock triggers to be as they came from the factory.
The more often I use my G26 the better I shoot with it and the more I like it. Because I shoot a bit better with the Sig 239, I marginally like it more than I do the G26. Without the Pearce magazine grip extension, my grip on the G26 is about one and a half fingers; my fingers are a bit too fat for the available grip area. The Pearce extension makes the little pistol easier for me to live with.
While no single gun-design will be perfect for everyone, the compact G26 with its standard 10-round magazine is worth considering for concealed carry. Shooting a G26 before buying one can be very informational. Borrow one from a friend or find a range that has a rental. Some experienced shooters will insist that, since the pistol size is the same, the .40 caliber Glock 27 is a better choice than the 9mm Glock 26. Try them both and let your tolerance of recoil help make that decision.
I find the 9mm Glock 26 easy to manage with +P+ loads while the new shooters I have dealt with almost universally do better with standard pressure loads. There are many smaller 9mm pistols on the market, but the G26 is as small as I care to go for the caliber. The G26 reliably feeds all brands and types of ammunition that I have used; I cannot say the same for the smaller 9mm semi-autos that I have tried.
Some people labeled the Glock 26 as “the pocket Glock.” The G26 is similar in size to, but not smaller than, J-frame and D-frame revolvers. A G26 may fit into your pants pocket but it does not fit well in mine. The contours of the revolvers make for better pocket carry in my world. I find even the Ruger SP-101 easier for me to pocket carry than I do the G26.
I have two holsters that meet my needs for the G26. From the low end of the holster market is the very affordable Fobus paddle that I find perfect for the weather and hazards of kit gun use. For concealed carry (Illinois requisite legal disclaimer; only while on my own property), I really like the Del Fatti SSK-HTL. The holster you choose should be comfortable, hold the pistol securely positioned where you want it, and it should protect the trigger. Regardless of what you have seen on the movie screen, it may be best to NEVER tuck a Glock (or ANY handgun) into your waistband, purse, or pocket without a holster to protect the trigger. When holstering, always make sure you are not tucking your finger, shirttail, jacket drawstring, holster strap, or anything else into the holster along with the handgun. Holster quality matters a great deal. When holstering a handgun, catching the trigger on the side of an ill-fitting holster could make you famous.
Most new shooters that test my G26 do not like the long crunchy trigger; to get used to it takes time and effort. Some knowledgeable folks recommend having Glock triggers altered for a lighter, smoother pull. I prefer my Glock triggers to be as they came from the factory.
The more often I use my G26 the better I shoot with it and the more I like it. Because I shoot a bit better with the Sig 239, I marginally like it more than I do the G26. Without the Pearce magazine grip extension, my grip on the G26 is about one and a half fingers; my fingers are a bit too fat for the available grip area. The Pearce extension makes the little pistol easier for me to live with.
I sold my Glock 27.. I've got big hands and just couldn't get a solid purchase on the gun.
ReplyDeleteI've got some full sized glocks and I do well with them but the trigger is annoying.
I'm thinking of getting a Glock 26 myself. I certainly don't love Glocks - I find myslef in the category of people who find them adequate. With no chance of developing sentimental attachments to the thing, I can begin to use it as the tool it is, unlike my revolvers, which I love!
ReplyDeleteI agree with ya, Michael. It is a durable tool but it has no nostalgia for me. As Hammer said, the trigger is annoying and if you have hands of any size it is hard to get a comfy grip on the G26 or G27. I shot one before I bought one, figured I could live with it not being perfect for me.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by.
I don't own one, but I do have the Glock 36. Awesome gun. The G26 might be too light for my taste.
ReplyDeleteHey Ron, thanks for stopping in and for your comments.
ReplyDeleteHey james, i am about to buy a glock 26 for my self, just a few qeustion wich i have came across, is it true that many special forces world wide use Glocks as their preferd weapon and is it true that Glocks do not last as long as other 9mm handguns. I have come across both of the above statments as i sis my homework and they kind of contrast each other
Hey Johan, thanks for visiting.
ReplyDeleteI have heard pretty much the same information that you have but honestly don't know how much of it is factual. I have both the Glock 17 and the Glock 26 and they have worked out quite well for me, but that does not make me an expert by any measure.
All guns are mechanical devices and subject to breaking sooner or later. Glocks have been around quite a while so I trust them more than newer designs.
Most of the complaints I have heard about Glocks involved shooting handload ammunition and / or lead bullets ... Glock says not to use them.
Best of luck to you!
what brand of holster is the tan leather pictured?
ReplyDeleteDel Fatti SSK-HTL
ReplyDeleteI recently bought a Glock 26 and some Pearce extensions for the 10 rd mags I bought. I also bought a couple 12 rd factory mags. My hands are not large, but even a guy with hands my size need the extensions on the 10 rd mags so my pinky finger can grasp the grip. I put Pearce extensions on my 10 rd XD45 magazines as well. They can really improve your accuracy.
I have to agree with you that a Glock is a machine and all machines can and will wear out or break. However, all polymer pistols are often looked down on by some die hard traditionalists who believe that metal framed pistols are superior to any polymer ones, because they reason polymer frames cannot last as long as their metal counterparts. So, the polymer were given a bad rap that was unjustly deserved. Metal frames can crack, remember the 10mm Colt Delta Elite? At the beginning of the alloy framed pistols there was some problems with gauling of the frame's rails by the slide.
Glocks, S&W with their polymer framed Sigma and M&P pistols, the Springfield XD series, SigArms SP2022 and P250 and the extensive models produced by Ruger and Taurus, all have life time warranties. No manufacturer would offer a lifetime warranty on fragile goods. The fact is that polymer pistols can and will last. The M16 has served for years. How many polymer stocked rifles and shotguns are shouldered without fear of failing?
My SigArms SP2022 is totally reliable and is extremely accurate. My Ruger 22/45 is a tack driver.
Metal framed pistols cost more because of machining. They weigh more. They are subject to corrosion. They can crack. Some metal framed pistols,such as the CZ SP-01, come with a polymer recoil guide, instead of a metal one. A lot of polymer framed pistols come with polymer recoil guides too. Look at the abuse recoil guides have to endure. Even the Ruger LCP, a 38 Special +P revolver has polymer in it's construction. I usually carry one in my pocket. It's light. it doesn't pull my pants down - thankfully. I don't even think of it being there.
I have a Concealed Carry Permit. When I have to go somewhere, I also carry a polymer framed pistols sans fear of breakage.
For those in doubt of the strength and durability of polymer framed pistols, take a look at the pistol in the holsters of quite a few police officers around the country. You'll see an awful lot of Glocks. I have seen a good many S&W Sigmas in a small town near where I live.
The SigArms SP2022, a polymer framed pistol in 9mm, was adopted by the French Police and Gendarmerie in 2002 for a service life of 20 years. They ran 460.000 rounds through the test guns before being adopted.
Sorry I was so long winded.
Hey Daniel, thanks for stopping in. Be as long winded here as you would like, those were some great comments and are very welcome.
ReplyDeleteThanks again,
Not to brag, but I recently Purchased a G26 for concealed carry. Since I have not shot the pistol yet, I cannot comment on my ability to handle the size of the gun, however, I do own 2 G17's that I love and always have. Since the G26 is simply a cut down version of the G17, I'm hoping that there will not be many differences in the way the gun handles. I got lucky, my G26 came with night sights, a lasermax laser, and pierce grip extensions, all for $500. I can't wait to take it to the range.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I like the Glock design due to the simplicity of it. No, it doesn´t really offer a match grade trigger, nor all the bells and whistles of a 3000 USD IPSC 1911-style pistol. It is, however, a fully functional personal defense weapon. I have a lot of experience with the Glock system, and wouldn´t hesitate to use the 26 as a concealed weapon, having done so previously on numerous occasions. Often as a back-up to the full size 17. I do admit that the short grip makes it handle somewhat differently than the 19 and 17, but for some reason it seems to be just as accurate.
Brit BG
i have an acquaintance that has magical pants with a super gun holding secure waistband. he tells me they are more safe than a holster. I'm waiting for the day he blows his marbles off and I can buy him a holster for a get well present.... till then he doesn't get to come to my house, cuz I don't like blood on the carpet.
ReplyDeleteNever understood why so many people feel that they need to get their pinky on the grip. The grip was made to hold just two fingers with your pinky tucked underneath. I shoot it the same with and without the grip extension. In fact, I find the pinky tucked in comfortable. You may be surprised at how little, if any effect )other than pyschological, tucking your pinky under the grip has on your shooting ability. :) The only reason for a grip extension in my book is to provide more rounds.
ReplyDeleteI just bought a G26. Not a huge fan of the trigger, the pull feels weird and is too long. I also do not like the mag release. I find that I cannot keep my strong hand fully on the grip when attempting to depress the mag release button. Instead, I have to relax my hand and then release my fingers from the grip in order to get my thumb forward far enough to depress the mag release button fully. These issues aside, I do like the weapon. It's small, light, and I couldn't pass up the price.
ReplyDeleteI have small hands... about 2.5 inches from back of grip to first joint of index finger (or 3 inches from back of grip to tip of index finger. Will I be able to operate the Glock 26?
ReplyDeleteThanks... Larry B
Hi Larry B
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to say for sure. Most any gunstore should let you try one to see how it fits your hand and offer some alternatives if it does not.
Thanks for stopping by!
I too have a G26. It is my 'travel gun' for times when I travel by air. The G26, like all Glocks has no personal appeal. Someone once said "the Glock is a gun that comes from the factory with absolutely no pride of ownership attached". It does shoot well...I put a set of Heine sights on it. It is reliable... as much as most quality brands if given proper care, Ken Hackathorn once said of the Glock.."If you are going to treat your gun like your lawnmower, get a Glock, but it can also be easily replaced if stolen during air travel... I would be inconsolable if one of my 1911's were stolen or lost by the airlines.
ReplyDeleteThe G26 is relatively easy to conceal... I have pocket and IWB holsters for it. Still, it's not my daily carry gun unless I'm engaged in air travel. I like the G26 but I love my 1911.
Mike at Antares Defense
Great comments! Thanks for stopping in, Mike.
ReplyDeleteJust bought glock 26 after shooting one at the range & i have to say ..I LOVE MY GLOCK..I dont have huge hands as my daily carry guns are Keltec .32 & Taurus .380 Pocket pistols (the .380 in a 10 o.z. Pistol Kicks Like a Mule)...The Glock was very accurate & Not much recoil in standard Hardball-F.M.J. I did buy the Small finger extension as my little finger hangin off & underneath .Once I put that on It was VERY comfy. :) I got the Gen III as opposed to the Gen IIII as I liked the Grips Better. I have read a lot on Glocks over the years And have Never heard That they wore out faster than any other gun ? In fact I have heard of Glocks Going though Torcher Test of close to 100000 Rds Without Failure.Every one that I know Has Never had a problem with them.. Glen