This was only the second time I had this revolver at the range; the first session was back in October of 2016; dry fire practice helped me improve a little since then. Short barreled revolvers have been a challenge for me; they take some work and at least a modicum of dedication; I am the laziest man to ever walk this earth so my improvement with short barreled revolvers (AKA "snubs") has been incremental, at best.
All of my revolver sessions (or nearly so) have moved away from staging the trigger; now I am practicing that, once I am on target, the trigger is rolled straight through without pausing to correct any muzzle movement caused by "squeezing" the trigger. Further, after each shot, I reacquire the target ASAP and repeat the firing process until the revolver is empty ("shoot until the threat is gone"). This shooting range has a policy (as with most other shooting ranges) that frowns on rapid-fire because of safety concerns. However, they seemed to be tolerant of what I was doing; one reason may be the fact that the fastest I can go with a 5-shot revolver is relatively slow compared to someone doing Rambo-rapid-fire with a semi-auto. The Range Officers here are ever vigilant and professional; I am seriously comfortable at this range.
2nd target set @ 21-feet. 10-rounds, same ammo as above.
4th target was just used for some different fun stuff. Above, the yellow duct tape was my target area @ 15-feet for 5-rounds of Federal's erstwhile 110-grain .357 SJHP (I'm sure you noticed that I missed my mark low, 4 out of 5 times) Goodness, hollow point bullets cut such pretty, easy to see holes in the targets; I wish I could afford to use hollow points all the time. Maybe the price of ammo will keep dropping ...
55-rounds total were fired during this range session; only 5 of the rounds fired were .357 magnum.
I suppose I had better end this blog entry with my boilerplate disclaimer so I don't piss off the Lordz of the Interwebz.
As always at this here blog site, this entry is simply a good old-fashioned campfire chat; this is not an opinion on what I feel you should or should not purchase or what you should be using or doing. What does or does not work for me could be many country miles away from your tastes and needs. All products, places, and / or thingies that I review for this blog are purchased at retail price by me. I do not accept payment, gifts, discounts, "freebies," products on loan, demon alcohol, drugs, probation, parole, Presidential Pardons, or sexual favors of any flavor for doing any review.
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