I'm reluctant to write about this subject; there is a chance that I'll sound screechy preachy; nothing shuts down critical thinking faster than the opening moments of a holier-than-thou screechy preachy sermon. What I am attempting to achieve here is nothing more than a simple a moment of "food for thought." (Sometimes I write a blog post just to reinforce my own thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs.)
Notable firearm instructor Claude Werner came up with the term "Rule 5" as it relates to firearms (Rule 5 for gun-blogging is something altogether different). IMHO, Rule 5 for firearms is a term that is on the road to becoming universal; "Always store firearms so that they are not accessible to unauthorized persons." Gravitas; if you have the means, please spread the word. I touched on the subject of legal transportation of firearms in an earlier post; today's post is targeted less at the legal and more toward the ethical aspects of storage at home and on the road.
Yes, my safes are suitable.
I will make no attempt to define what is adequate. I will offer that there are a wide range of products available to cover a broad spectrum of "what if" possibilities.
I try to be "ever mindful." I pray that I never fail in my efforts to keep my guns out of the hands of the innocent and the nefarious. So far, so good.
Thanks for stopping by.