My pocket ElZetta is the low-profile bezel, two-battery-cell
version, with the clicky off/on, twisty high/low tailcap.
Why did I purchase ElZetta ZFL-M60 flashlights? I hate to waste words when someone else says
something better than I can; Grant Cunningham ‘splains it best.
I will offer that I am a practical person; I am not a
tactical person. If I don’t find
something to be practical, I won’t spend my money on it no matter how
fashionably tactical it may be. The
ElZetta ZFL-M60 is a premium flashlight, made in the USA. With ElZetta, you do get what you pay
for. I have a house full of the inexpensive
flashlights that activate via a click-shake-rattle-and-whack. While those are fine for general use, there
is always an occasion when I need instant gratification from my portable
illumination. During the many years
before ElZetta, I did not find the “premium flashlights” to be any better than
the cheap brands. Finally, technology
and craftsmanship have caught up with the hype.
Decades ago, if some marauding varmint required nighttime
remediation, a cheap flashlight was fastened to a shotgun with friction tape and hose clamps,
using a hand-carved block of wood as an offset spacer. Today, courtesy of the ElZetta ZSM mount, such
improvisations are not required. On one
of my Mossberg personal defense shotguns is the low-profile bezel, three-battery-cell
version, with the clicky off/on, twisty high/strobe tailcap, shown perfectly
positioned for thumb-activation when my hand is on the slide.
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