Nigh exactly 5-months ago (7/31/2016) was the last time I did a range session with my gen-4 Glock 19. Yep, it has been a bit of a long while since I last practiced with this pistol, but overall I was happy with my performance on this first range session of the brand new year. I discovered decades ago that I'm not anywhere near world class with any firearm even on my very best of days. More important than how I did with the pistol during this session is the fact that I HAD FUN! Yeah baby, this was all for ME! Truth be told, I was actually the second best shooter at the entire range while I was there ... but then the only other shooter left ...
Anyhow, the yellow duct tape on the silhouette gives my funky old eyes something easy to target. Ball ammo usually pokes a nice round hole through the duct tape and that makes it easy for me to see at a distance where my shots are landing; the smaller, raggedy hole that ball ammo punches through paper is very hard for me to see and doesn't provide the "instant feedback" that I desire.
Except where noted otherwise, all ammo used was Federal RTP9115 115gr FMJ target ammo.
Head = 15-rounds @ 15-feet
High chest = 15-rounds @ 21-feet
Center mass = 15-rounds @ 30-feet (Federal 9BPLE +P+ 115gr JHP carry ammo)
On the target below:
Same as on the target above, except 16-rounds were fired at each distance (a round in the chamber plus a full magazine)
The entire session lasted under an hour. A total of 93-rounds were fired.