Blogging to you from the Northeastern Badlands of The County of Lake, in the state currently known as Fatmanistan, DEEP DEEP DEEP DEEP DEEP inside the heartland of the Banana Republic formerly known as the USA, WELCOME TO THE NEXT CHAPTER! WARNING! ALL FORMS OF SOCIAL MEDIA ARE ADDICTIVE; EXCESSIVE USE MAY LEAD TO MENTAL HEALTH DISORDERS, REDUCED JOB PRODUCTIVITY, INSOMNIA, SOCIAL ALIENATION, GENITAL ULCERS, BLINDNESS, POLITICAL EROTICISM, AND / OR DEVIANT FUNAMBULISM. NOTICE: NO GUNS OR AMMUNITION ARE FOR SALE VIA THIS BLOG. (No, I will not trade my Colt Python for some lubricious adventures with your trophy wife and a future first-round draft pick.) CAVEAT: This blog is not suitable for viewing while at work, while inside a public library, while inside any public or private school, or while inside any public or private restroom. Do not view this blog while driving a motor vehicle or while piloting an aircraft. Viewing this blog may be illegal inside the EU, NYC, Chicago, Seattle, and other parts of the Third World. THIS BLOG CONTAINS (albeit often very childish) ADULT-CONTENT. DISCLAIMER: This blog is a hobby, it is not a livelihood. Even though much of what I blog about relates to firearms collecting and recreational shooting, I am not an expert (by any measure) on any facet of guns, shooting, hunting, or personal defense. Entries at this blog are akin to good old-fashioned campfire chats or post hunt bourbon-fueled barroom-bluster; I offer no opinion on what you should or should not purchase, or what you should be using or doing. What does or does not work for me could be rugged-country-miles away from your tastes and your needs. All products, places, and miscellany that I review for this blog are purchased / rented / leased at retail price by me. I do not accept payment, gifts, discounts, freebies, products on loan, distilled spirits, recreational pharmaceuticals, plea-bargains, probation, parole, Papal Blessings, Presidential Pardons, or sexual favors for doing any review or blog post. TRACKING COOKIES: Google et al stick tracking cookies on everybody. If you are online, you are being spied on via one method or another, for one reason or another; 'nuff said. You may be able to minimize your online DNA residue by using Tor and Duck Duck Go. Vive la liberté! Vive all y'all! Ante omnia armari. To each of you, thanks for stopping by!
Greetings from Texas,
ReplyDeleteMy 1901 was a Christmas Gift from my wife Helene some years ago. Even though it isn't shot much it will have a safe place in my collection for a couple of reasons. Aside from bragging to guys who found power ties under the tree we use it when lecturing on firearms at writers conferences. It also reminds me of an incident when I was a kid in Nevada.
At an old store / filling station on the road between Winnemucca and Battle Mountain Dad saw a notice about a shotgun for sale. We drove to an old timers shack and he brought out either a 1887 or 1901 and a handful of brass 10 gauge shotgun shells. I had never seen a shotgun rock my Dad like that before.
He chose not to get the fire breathing monster that day, but I will always treasure this one for the memory.
Arthur, it is great to have you stop in. That is a great memory. I liked the 1901 quite a bit, but sometimes I need money more than another gun ;)
ReplyDeleteIt may sound funny because I have never been to Texas, but it has a special place in my heart. Nothing is as American as is Texas (my Mom would have argued that Tennessee is...)
Thanks again,
Hello James.. My model 1901 has been in my family sinse 1928. My grendfather purchased it in Southern California from a retired Train Conductor who was the original owner. My grandfather passed it on to my father who gave it to me before he passed away. It was used for goose hunting quite a bit by my father & Grandfather but the thing was well taken care of and frankly looks more like a 10 year old gun rather than a 100 year old gun.
ReplyDeleteGary Barnett
Indianapolis, Indiana
Hey there Gary, thanks for stopping in.
ReplyDeleteThat is a cool story. Old guns are great... but we often don't know their history. I love hearing about guns being passed down through families. Thanks for sharing.