Who would have guessed? Why didn't GTR Sporting Club post the event's prohibition of concealed carry on their
website or on their
Facebook page?
I suppose it is ever possible that an unforeseen issue developed with local government after the event got underway.
Concealed carry was not a problem when I stopped in at the shooting range's Grand Opening for a short time on Friday morning; I breezed by security without incident. I skipped the festivities on Saturday so I have no idea what they did about concealed carry for that day. When I stopped in sometime around 11:00am on Sunday, a security guard met me at the "gate" and asked if I was carrying; I answered "yes" and, as a courtesy, presented him with my FOID and Illinois Concealed Carry License. He then explained that, due the fact that they were serving beer for the event, I would have to lock my handgun in my car. When I explained that I did not drink (i.e., I had no intention of being in the "beer garden" area), he said that did not matter. Not wishing to escalate a situation, I complied, entered, and sat inside by the "gate" to see what happened to other entrants. There were only a very few attendees on Sunday between 11:00am and shortly after noon when I was there; I saw two men and one women indignantly blow off the security guard's questions and strut on through. Other folks simply said they were not carrying; nobody's word was challenged.
IMHO, if it was at all possible to do so, GTR Sporting Club should have announced this prohibition of concealed carry well beforehand. Knowing what I do now, in the future I will not be attending any of their special events.
When it opens for business, I feel fairly safe in assuming that GTR Sporting Club's newly completed barroom (lounge) will be a prohibited area and that all members and guests will be asked to disarm and lock their handguns in their cars before entering. I would also assume (and I could be wrong on this) that this would not affect concealed carry for members and guests who just want to use the shooting range.