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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Meet the Freak

AKA, Freakenstein, Freak is a rescued critter. We did not want another cat; my budget sure did not need another cat. Aside from our expenditures for cat food and litter going up by a third, the veterinarian costs for the tests, shots, and neutering will have cost me a bit over $500 for this rescue.

Freak is recovering nicely; this photo is one taken after only a week and a half in our “cat recovery room” where we keep him isolated from our two other cats. During the eviction, Freak was found inside of a cage in the endless clutter of our eastside next-door neighbor’s house. The poor guy is an 8-year-old unneutered male who was suffering from malnutrition, dehydration, and social isolation. With his skin-and-bones frame covered with filth and the edges of his ears as brittle as burnt potato chips, he appeared to be (and acted like) some sort of psychotic Zombie Cat, hence his new name. He was in such poor condition that my wife figured that most of the overcrowded local shelters would euthanize him at a glance. My guess is that Freak was given food and water whenever the owners thought to do so, which was probably not very often. His nose was raw from poking it into the cage door and from scrounging for that last hint of food and water; it is now healing nicely. Freak screams like a demon when we bring him food and he eats insatiably. Freak will eat himself to death if we let him; we feed him twice as much as we do a normal cat and he screams for more. A couple of times we overfed him and he puked it all back up. For now, he is on a fixed eating-schedule when he gets a good portion of food but never as much as he desires. After we cleaned him up and fed him for just over a couple of weeks, we took him to the veterinarian for an evaluation, likely the first in his lifetime. The vet says that the trauma of chronic starvation created an eating disorder from which Freak may never recover. Freak’s liver enzymes were a little unbalanced due to malnutrition but should be back to normal soon; his other organs checked out okay. The tests for contagious (and fatal) feline viruses all were negative and Freak had no fleas, which was strange considering his previous owner’s house was infested with mice. If his previous owner had just let Freak roam inside the house, the cat may have been nutritionally self-sufficient by keeping the rodents under control.

Since he has had proper nutrition for a while now, Freak has rediscovered that he is a male cat and wants to get laid so badly that he is getting a cranky. Last week we got his shots completed; on Thursday of this next week, Freak will go in for a surgical attitude adjustment that will put an end to his lust for sex. It will be a long road for physical and social recovery for this cat. His only interaction with other cats was when he was a kitten and his lifetime of dealings with humans have not been fulfilling. We will give Freak every chance that we can to adjust to life here. If he cannot adjust to us and the other cats, we will have no choice but to put him in local shelter. Wish us all luck.


  1. Greetings from Texas,
    I wish both you and Freakenstine luck. When this sort of thing works it very rewarding. It can also be heart breaking.

    We do what we can for the animals that show up here. A lot of them are "drive by donations". If they are 'good hands' that help with the rodent and snake problems they are welcome. Saddly some of them are destructive and/or dangerious and have to be delt with harshly.

    I have never tackled a rescue quite this extreme. I hate to say these days I wouldn't have the funds to do it. We have enough greif taking care of our health care, even with insurance.

  2. The neighbor also had a dog he had to give up on the day of the eviction. Sadly, my wife and I didn't have the means to rescue the dog; we did pay the $50 for the animal warden to pick it up and take it to a local shelter.

    This has been an expensive year for us... we are having to put off some plans we had made in order to help out those in need. It is tough to say "NO!" but we just don't have any wiggle room left in our budget to help anyone else out.

  3. Poor kitty. Hopefully if you can at least get his health in shape then if he does have to go to a shelter they'll have better luck finding him a home. People do look for cats to be an only cat, so maybe!

  4. It's great that you're giving Freak another chance in life. Too bad his first owners wouldn't be more responsible. They should have found him a new home long before it got to this.

  5. Good for you, sir. We have rescue animals as well. Good luck with the pack addition.



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Never Trust A Politician
'We the Politicians of the United States, in Order to avoid a more perfect Union, manipulate Justice, destroy domestic Tranquillity, provide for the common offense, promote general Warfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty for ourselves and our Progeny, do blaspheme and eviscerate this Constitution of the United States of America." ("Zack," circa 1966 -1970)
Please consider RECURRING UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECKS of ALL FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL POLITICIANS (including but not limited to school records, acquaintances, employment history, Social Media, financial, drug, and psychiatric screenings). Please consider TERM LIMITS; political power corrupts.