Unless my memory has misfiled something, I never before experienced a SQUIB with a .45 ACP when using "factory-new" ammunition (as opposed to "factory reloads" from some of the reputable major players ... forget about the experiences with the abominable cottage-industry-kitchen-table-reloads sold by some ranges). During this particular range session it happened to me twice, on consecutive rounds of ammo. Each time it happened I noticed the difference in recoil and noise and stopped to examine the pistol. Each examination found that the action had failed to cycle (spent case was still in the chamber) but (fortunately) the bullet had cleared the muzzle, i.e. it was not lodged in the barrel. After suffering this twice, I decided not to trust the final round in the magazine that came from the last of the same box of ammo; I asked the range safety officer to dispose of it for me.
I decided not to reveal the manufacturer / brand of the subject ammo in this blog post because this lot of ammo is no less than ten-years-old and the open box that the rounds came from was not stored under the best conditions. I have 100-rounds left of this lot ... twenty-five-rounds each in two open boxes on the shelf and one full box of fifty-rounds. I also have two full boxes of fifty rounds each of this brand from a different lot. I intend on using all of them before anything else that I have in inventory, albeit with an extra critical eye and ear.
*Success on any major scale requires you to accept responsibility. . . . In
the final analysis, the one quality that all successful people have is the ...
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