With 190,000 miles on the 1999 GMC van and 140,000 miles on the 2005 Chevy Cobalt I simply could not put if off any longer; we needed something new and reliable. We were deferring vacations and avoiding long road trips whenever possible simply because a breakdown far from home could turn things unpredictably ugly. Even with the best maintained vehicles, old ones break down more often than do the new ones. The old vehicles that we have no longer provide for our need of having a sense of long distance driving confidence; it's a personal-safety comfort-zone issue.
The 2005 Cobalt will remain here as a second-car at least for the near foreseeable. I still have the 1999 GMC Safari AWD van; it is getting very close to being recycle-ready; any problem that occurs with it between now and next August will be the last. Until then, I like having it around for hauling the gnarly landscape materials that I use around the yard and it is still the best Midwest snow-busting road-warrior that I have ever owned. Besides, few things say "SCREW OFF YA IDEALISTIC SNOBS!" better than having a (licensed and legal) rusty, gas guzzling, relic shitmobile of a van parked in the driveway of what is far too often perceived to be a "nice, quiet" neighborhood --- but, in fact ... just down the road a way ... yeah ... just this side of the tracks from the Walmart and the acreage where the politicians will put their chimerical municipal-government-life-saving casino ...
Welcome to the badlands.