The rig on the left is a Galco Jackass for Colt 1911 pattern pistols; it is something that I wear only once in a while (when I finally feel that I have put in enough carry time, with enough of the different flavors of 1911 pistols, I'll write a full review of the rig). The rig on the right is a hybrid that I wear the most during cooler weather (i.e. almost everyday for about 6-months of the year); it consists of a Galco Jackass style (aka Classic Lite) leather harness, a Ken Null City Slicker (SKR) holster, and Del Fatti ammo carriers (usually a pair if I am counter-balancing the weight of a steel J-Frame and a single when I am carrying an airweight).
It is a very concealable, very comfortable, and very comforting amalgamation.
Leather shoulder straps only work for me roughly 6-months out of the year. On dangerously hot days I find that even the most narrow straps, however good they may be at distributing weight, trap body heat and can put me on the edge of heat exhaustion (conversely, they do help keep me warm when I'm working outside during frigid weather).