(It always has been and will be until the end.)
Edited to add: In this house, one can of coffee equals one month. During less trying times I'd sometimes let my coffee reserves slip down to a couple of months; nevermore. After watching the collective governments of the world (including the USA federal, state, and local agencies) cluster-fuck the current COVID-19 issue, I've decided to maintain my reserves of everything to no less than a one year supply; i.e. if something comes off the shelf, it is replaced ASAP to MAINTAIN the one year reserve. If society is so screwed up that I have to draw down my reserves, well ... that's why we carry reserves. If society is so screwed up that I burned through one year's supply of everything ... well ... golly ... that contingency plan is something altogether different ... welcome to the world of anything goes.Coffee is just one item. In prior years I attempted to carry a two-year reserve of almost everything but winnowed it down as I got older; it is just too diffficult to rotate the stock of so many items and I'm from a hillbilly culture that says waste is a sin. Some items that I once thought to be essential were not. I've rearranged storage (a project underway since long before COVID-19) and have worked up a system to make rotation of inventory less of an administrative burden.
I'm not much into frozen foods for reserves ... I've lived through too many extended power failures to be a fan of frozen foods ... so I use the freezer portion of the fridge mostly for some of the coffee reserves and for the freeze-packs that I usually give away to neighbors and family when shit happens (note to self; better get more freeze packs).
They preach that "we're all in this together" but the reality is, for the most part, each of us is on our own.
Just sayin'.