45 rounds total were fired during this range session.
The magazines used during this session are pictured above. From left to right they are:
4 x Wilson's 6-round mags, each with 230-grain Federal Syntech redball.
2 x Colt Defender factory 7-round mags, each with 230-grain Federal Syntech redball.
(NOTE: I'll repeat my belief that ANY brand of 7-round mag for this pistol can be problematic.)
1 x Wilson's 6-round mag with 205-grain Federal Syntech segmented hollowpoints (+ 1 round loose)
(NOTE: I really do like this carry load for this pistol.)

Target #1
9-feet ( 3-yards; 2.74 meters) 7-rounds fired = 1 round blue HP in chamber + 6-round mag of blue HP15-feet ( 5-yards; 4.57 meters) 6-rounds fired = 1 mag red ball
21-feet ( 7-yards; 6.40 meters) 6-rounds fired = 1 mag red ball
30-feet (10-yards; 9.14 meters) 6-rounds fired = 1 mag red ball
25 rounds total for target #1
No problems noted with pistol, mags, or the shooter (so far).

Target #2
45-feet (15-yards; 13.72 meters) 6-rounds fired = 1 mag red ball45-feet (15-yards; 13.72 meters) 7-rounds fired = 1 mag red ball (Colt Defender factory mag)
45-feet (15-yards; 13.72 meters) 7-rounds fired = 1 mag red ball (Colt Defender factory mag)
20 rounds total for target #2
The sole problem experienced was a high angle feed jam on 5th round of the final mag.
20 rounds total for target #2
The sole problem experienced was a high angle feed jam on 5th round of the final mag.
I want to put the blame on the Colt Defender factory 7-round mag but that would be ignoring the possibility that my achy 68-year-old arthritic right hand may have gotten tired and sloppy at that point in the session. After I freed the slide up and cleared the jam, the pistol and factory mag managed the final 3-rounds of the session without a problem.
This was the first time that I tried the pair of factory mags that came with the pistol when I purchased it. I believe I was correct in initially setting those mags aside; it is unlikely that I will ever use them again.
The magazine was jammed solid and I couldn't tug it out. It took considerable force for me to unwedge the slide from the cartridge in order to relieve the pressure on everything (while managing to keep the muzzle pointed downrange).

Since I had no idea how many rounds were fired with this gun before I purchased it, I decided that now was a good time to take the old recoil components off the list of possible problems. This was the final range session for this pistol's original captive recoil spring assembly and outer recoil spring (shown above). The new components (installed during my traditional post range session disassembly / cleaning) should be good for between 300 to 500-rounds before needing replacement (according to what I've read).
I believe my "all sessions" round count with this pistol now stands at 188. There have been 4 jams total, 3 of which occurred when using 7-round mags; only 1 jam was with a Wilson's 6-round mag. All jams thus far were with ball ammo; no jams while using the Federal Syntech 205-grain segmented hollow point carry loads (45-rounds of those thus far). None of the jams occurred early on during any shooting session, the earliest being on the 4th mag which is why I have not ruled out that I might have a shooting inconsistency that pops up after I have been shooting for a period of time.
Thank you 5 Star Firearms for being there.
Shooting is FUN!