From his sanctuary at a major hospital, Jesse Jackson Jr. is negotiating a plea deal with the feds.
Why is this news coming out AFTER the election? There are no secrets in politics. There is
more than a little “look of impropriety” by the press and federal officials on
Political Corruption has not always been the equal
opportunity employer that it is today; it once was the exclusive pastureland
for male, white criminals of all political affiliations. It is heartwarming to see that evil no longer
practices bigotry.
I will wait in vain for an official statement from the
Democratic Party expressing their righteous indignation and outrage over the
behavior of this august member. Regrettably,
the most that we can expect will be the unarguable dodges that “Democrats are
no more corrupt than the Republicans.”
Crime on our streets is quite understandable; people mimic the behavior
of our elected officials. Laws are made
to be broken; rules are for fools. The
code of piracy is simple; the only shame is in being caught.
The citizens of the USA had HOPE for CHANGE long before this
current administration and it does not look like CHANGE will be here anytime
soon. Neither of the two major parties
will measure up to that task until voters hold their elected officials
accountable each and every election day.