The influenza event referenced above was maybe a year after we moved from Chicago to the suburbs.
From my earliest memories in Chicago until maybe around when I was age-12 in the suburbs, every dang year there was some kind of flu bug or another that jumped on me and each time the ensuing pounding-headaches, fever, chills, aches, choking cough, and convulsive puking made me believe that I was going to die. Seriously, I thought it was "game over" on many occasions. The only medicines I remember were aspirin (NOT recommend for youngsters nowadays), some kind of vile tasting cough syrup, and Vicks Vapo goo. It's likely that there were also some down-home remedies that I never understood or that were too traumatizing for me to remember. My folks never dragged me to the doctor. For better or worse, back then getting sick was considered to be just a natural part of childhood.
The Good Lord willing, I'll turn 68-years-old during this summer. Other than a few times at the bedside of a sick friend or loved one, I've never spent a full day and night inside a hospital since I was born. My current age, my past years of smoking, bouts of hard drinking, reckless behavior, getting my head and ass righteously stomped, industrial and domestic accidents, industrial and domestic exposure to lead, asbestos, benzenes, and a host of other killers and cripplers has me in the category of "DUDE, WHY AIN'T YOU DEAD YET?" When it comes to this Covid-19 stuff, I can appreciate that those of us in the "AT RISK" category need special consideration BUT I just don't see the need to lockdown the majority of the population that comprises the LOWER RISK category. It is much easier to TARGET THE SMALLER AT RISK GROUP and it is MUCH MORE AFFORDABLE. It also would far less disruptive to society.
Please, all of you politicians and planners (none will ever read this blog, but let's pretend), take what you have learned thus far from this current crisis (and all else during your respective lifetimes) and dare to rethink your strategies. Closing the houses of worship (Mosques, Churches, Synagogues, etc.) was not your finest moment, it was anathema. You should have met with the religious leaders and worked out some logistical health recommendations / accommodations. The religious closings should not have happened and should NEVER happen again. Ever. This advice is coming to you from one of the biggest non-religious, non-church going sinners you could ever imagine. (I do believe in God, I just never could cotton to the mastications and machinations of overly organized religion; it's one of my many personality defects, or so I've been told.) Houses of Worship are a place of refuge during emergencies. Give the religious leaders and the faithful the same consideration you gave Walmart and their customers.
Face it, our government failed. They had over 100-years to figure this shit out and they failed.
A) The failed to prevent this from happening.
B) They failed to have anything resembling a contingency plan.
As for me, I'll just keep on keeping on. My prayers are for everyone because I was taught that it was part of "the American Way," although I have often since wondered if "the American Way" NOW is the same as what I was taught that it was way back when.