40 x 175 grain Winchester Silvertips
5 x 8-round mags (no +1 in chamber)
(4 x MecGar mags and 1 x Colt mag)
2 x 8 round mags @ 15-ft
2 x 8 round mags @ 21-ft
1 x 8 round mag @ 30-ft
Target #2
50 x 180 grain Federal American Eagle FMJ
6 x 8-round mags (2 were +1 in chamber)
(mix of Colt and MecGar mags)
2 x 8 round mags @ 15-ft (both were +1 round in chamber)
2 x 8 round mags @ 21-ft
2 x 8 round mags @ 30-ft
90-rounds total for the session
No jams
I can't recall ever having a jam with this pistol but my total round-count with it isn't astromomical; 220-rounds of the Silvertips and 150-rounds of the American Eagle FMJ for a grand total of 370-rounds. I have a few 20-round boxes of 10mm Winchester Black Talons but I have no mental or written record of having ever fired a single round of that particular load.
My accuracy and consistency for this session could have been better, could have been worse. All in all it was as much fun as this achy cranky 69-year-old man can have without getting all stoked up on cigars, bourbon, and Viagra.
I have 660-rounds 780-rounds of 10mm Winchester Silvertips and only 50-rounds of the American Eagle FMJ left on the raft. When I get that total down to around 100-rounds I'll put this gun up for sale via consignment at the LGS and include all the mags (a total of 10 mags; all are 8-round, 6 of them are Colt and 4 of them are MecGar (I never did try any 9-round mags)) and the leftover ammo as perks. It is great pistol in a great caliber but it's not essential at this point in my life. It will be my range fun-gun for a while in order to conserve my inventory of preferred "goto" calibers.